6 books on Eco Packaging [PDF]

Updated: April 12, 2024

Books on Eco Packaging are invaluable resources for startups dedicated to advancing sustainable packaging solutions, including bioplastics and environmentally friendly materials. These references offer a comprehensive foundation, covering various aspects of eco-friendly packaging design, materials selection, and circular economy principles. They delve into advanced techniques such as biodegradable packaging, compostable materials, and responsible sourcing, emphasizing the importance of reducing the environmental impact of packaging waste, conserving resources, and minimizing pollution. Moreover, these books often include practical examples, case studies, and best practices, allowing startups to understand the intricacies of eco packaging projects and adapt these solutions to real-world applications.

1. Life Cycle of Sustainable Packaging: From Design to End-of-Life
2022 by Rafael A. Auras, Susan E. M. Selke

In "Life Cycle of Sustainable Packaging: From Design to End-of-Life," a team of esteemed researchers offers an authoritative and accessible examination of packaging's role in sustainability and its impact on the environment. This book provides comprehensive coverage of every facet of the packaging life cycle, encompassing design, management, and end-of-life considerations. It presents a holistic and integrated assessment of the environmental footprint of packaging. The authors guide students and readers on how to incorporate design and life cycle principles into the development of sustainable packaging materials, offering essential insights into pollution and risk management. Each chapter includes learning objectives and self-study questions to facilitate comprehension and retention. The book covers various aspects, including the role of packaging in sustainable development, design thinking in packaging design, pollution and risk management, and key topics like global climate change, life cycle assessment, and municipal solid waste. Designed for both undergraduate and graduate students studying sustainability and packaging, "Life Cycle of Sustainable Packaging: From Design to End of Life" is a valuable addition to the libraries of chemical, biochemical, plastics, materials science, and packaging engineers.
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2. Sustainable Innovations in Food Packaging
2021 by Teresa De Pilli, Antonietta Baiano, Giuseppe Lopriore, Carlo Russo, Giulio Mario Cappelletti

This book delves into the latest advancements in sustainable practices for the manufacturing of packaged food items. Packaging plays a pivotal role in enhancing the sustainability of food production and consumption, especially in developed nations, where there is growing pressure to diminish the environmental impact of packaged foods. For instance, the European Union advocates for packaging sourced from renewable materials, emphasizing bio-based resources. Sustainable packaging processes are essential not only for ensuring the efficient utilization of waste materials but also for preserving food safety and quality during storage, thus mitigating the risks of foodborne illnesses and chemical contamination. Additionally, the pressing issues of plastic waste accumulation and the conservation of oil and food resources demand serious attention. This book introduces eco-friendly packaging approaches designed to minimize food and plastic waste while addressing the disposal challenges associated with persistent materials. It places significant emphasis on the production of biodegradable microbial polymers and harnessing by-products and waste materials from the agricultural and food sectors. These strategies pave the way for a pioneering, waste-centric food packaging industry that breaks away from reliance on fossil fuels, facilitating the return of bio-polymers to the natural environment. Furthermore, the book explores the concepts of life-cycle assessment, life-cycle costing, and externality assessment to provide readers with insights into the economic viability of the proposed innovations.
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3. Sustainable Food Packaging Technology
2021 by Athanassia Athanassiou

The quest for sustainable food packaging using biodegradable materials is on the rise. The increasing volume of food packaging waste coupled with the non-biodegradable nature of prevalent plastic packaging necessitates a shift towards environmentally-friendly packaging for the betterment of both the environment and human well-being. Sustainable packaging refers to packaging that offers essential protection to food products while being biodegradable and capable of organic waste disposal in landfills, where it naturally decomposes. This integration of sustainable packaging aligns with the principles of the circular economy. "Sustainable Food Packaging Technology" explores packaging solutions that employ engineered biopolymers or biocomposites with appropriate physicochemical properties for food preservation and are derived from either renewable or non-renewable sources, yet share compostability or edibility characteristics. Additionally, the book discusses modified paper and cardboard that enhance food protection while preserving compostability. It also delves into natural components that contribute to functional packaging by providing active food protection and indicating food spoilage. This book tackles the pressing issue of food packaging waste by presenting sustainable alternatives rooted in biodegradable materials, offers insights into cutting-edge developments in functional packaging, and discusses the technology aspects of scaling sustainable packaging solutions from the laboratory to large-scale applications.
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4. The Future of Packaging: From Linear to Circular
2019 by Tom Szaky

With only 35 percent of the 240 million metric tons of waste generated in the United States getting recycled, as per the Environmental Protection Agency, this remarkable compilation presents a roadmap for manufacturers to transition from a linear, take-make-waste economy to a circular, make-use-recycle economy. Guided by recycling pioneer Tom Szaky, the CEO of TerraCycle, each chapter is co-authored by an expert in their respective field. Offering diverse perspectives from government leaders, consumer packaged goods companies, waste management firms, and more, the book delves into current issues surrounding production and consumption, provides actionable steps for enhancing packaging and waste reduction, and introduces transformative ideas and concepts for the future. Tailored to assist businesses of all sizes, from startups to established consumer product companies, this book is a wellspring of knowledge and inspiration. The message from these innovators is not one of scaling back but of upward innovation, offering a comprehensive guide to design our way out of waste and into abundance.
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5. Food and Package Engineering
2011 by Scott A. Morris

"Food and Package Engineering" is a groundbreaking exploration of the interconnected and globally integrated field of engineering for the packaging industry, with a primary focus on food processing. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricate web of science, technology, business, social science, and engineering that underpins packaging. Instead of following a conventional linear approach, the author adopts a "Packaging Cycle" methodology, guiding readers through the entire life cycle of a package, from raw materials and conversion, through operations, distribution, retail, and ultimately to recycling or disposal by consumers. The book covers essential topics often overlooked in other food engineering or packaging texts, including raw materials production, inventory management, regulations, security, recycling, transportation systems, and emerging technologies. With its multi-level accessibility, it caters to readers with varying levels of experience, offering real-world examples and challenging problems for consideration. Illustrated and meticulously researched, "Food and Package Engineering" provides both technical insights and a practical perspective on this dynamic field, making it an invaluable resource for students and industry professionals alike, regardless of their background or expertise.
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6. Environmentally Compatible Food Packaging
2008 by E. Chiellini

Food packaging serves a crucial role, yet the materials used can have detrimental environmental effects. This compilation assesses the viability of bio-based, biodegradable, and recycled materials and their current and potential utility in safeguarding and preserving food products. The initial section of the book appraises the latest advancements in bio-based materials for food packaging. Subsequently, it delves into the considerations for selecting alternative packaging materials, encompassing consumer preferences, evaluating the environmental impact of food packaging, eco-design principles, and the safety and quality aspects of recycled materials. The third part focuses on the application of environmentally-friendly materials within specific product categories, such as the packaging of fresh produce, dairy items, and seafood. It also explores active packaging, modified atmosphere packaging, and intelligent food packaging based on bio-based resources. The book culminates with an overview of the legislative and certification frameworks governing environmentally-compatible packaging in the European Union. With contributions from experts in the field, "Environmentally-Compatible Food Packaging" stands as a valuable resource for professionals in the food processing and packaging sectors. It covers a spectrum of topics, including the assessment of bio-based, biodegradable, and recycled materials, considerations for choosing alternative packaging materials, and the regulatory landscape in the EU.
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